A Dialogue between a student and a teacher about how to improve in English.

A Dialogue between a student and a teacher about how to improve in English.

Student       :        May I ask you a question, Sir?

Teacher      :        Yes, tell me what you want to know.

Student       :        Why can’t I speak English fluently?

Teacher      :        To speak English is merely a practice.

Student       :        What can I do for it, Sir?

Teacher      :        To be a good speaker, you must be a good listener. Remember that listening is the first skill that enables you to speak fluently.

Student       :        Ho can I do it, sir?

Teacher      :        At first, you must follow your English teacher. Secondly listen to the dialogues in the English movies. Then try to speak English day to day life.

Student       :        What else should I do to improve my speaking power?

Teacher      :        You should follow the news reader on TV and radio. You also try to practice speaking English among your friends. Remember, practice makes a man perfect.

Student       :        Thank you for your nice suggestion.

Teacher      :        You are welcome.